Extra waste matter, which is the end product of protein metabolism, is excreted in the urine. 额外浪费问题,这是最终产品的蛋白质代谢,排泄于尿。
Any substance involved in metabolism ( either as a product of metabolism or as necessary for metabolism). 新陈代谢中的任何物质(新陈代谢的产物或必须物)。
This product contains active CLT factors, can promote fat metabolism and decomposition, to prevent intestinal absorption of fat synthesis, fat metabolism to maintain balance. 本品内含活性清脂素,能促进脂肪代谢与分解,阻止肠道对脂肪的吸收合成,保持脂肪代谢平衡。
A white tasteless odorless crystalline product of protein metabolism; found in the blood and urine. 一种白色、无味无嗅的晶体,是蛋白质新陈代谢的产物,见于血液和尿中。
The end product of purine metabolism varies from species to species. 嘌呤代谢是动物含氮废物排出体外的重要途径之一。
Studies on the Contents of the Mineral Nutrition of Zao Hei Bao Grape Cultivating under Greenhouse and the Correlation Among the Element; any substance involved in metabolism ( either as a product of metabolism or as necessary for metabolism). 设施早黑宝葡萄矿质营养代谢及其相关性研究新陈代谢中的任何物质(新陈代谢的产物或必须物)。
Pyruvate as an intermediate product of glycolysis can repair the RBC damage through anti-oxidation, modulation of energy metabolism and correction of metabolic acidosis, preserving RBC function. 作为糖酵解中间产物的丙酮酸盐可通过促进细胞能量代谢,抗氧化和纠正细胞内酸中毒三种途径修复细胞损伤,恢复其功能。
Cyclosporin is a secondary product of metabolism of fungi. 环孢菌素是一种真菌的次级代谢产物。
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Leptin is a 16-kd peptide product of ob gene, with the biological functions of controlling energy balance, food intake and fatty metabolism. 背景与目的:瘦素是ob基因编码的16kd的多肽产物,具有调节能量平衡、饮食摄入、脂肪代谢等多种生物学功能。
Leptin, a product of obesity gene, is a newly found regulatory hormone which is related to body composition and metabolism. 肥胖基因的蛋白产物&瘦素,是新被认识的与体成分和代谢相关的调节激素。
Based on the concept of product from the industrial ecological point of view, the input-output balance sheet of a titanium white plant is worked out via industrial metabolism to analyze the eco-efficiency of the plant. 以产业生态学意义上的产品概念为基础,通过工业代谢分析建立了某钛白粉生产企业的物料衡算表,分析了该企业的生态效率现状。
The Effect of the Main End Product of Metabolism on Bifidobacterium 主要代谢产物对双歧杆菌生长的影响
For science proof these the product effect of sober up, this research has screened the commonly used regulative ethyl alcohol metabolism material, carries on the animal experimentation, are for the purpose of seeking the best method of food to sober up. 为了科学的论证这些解酒制品的效果,本研究筛选了常用的调控酒精代谢的物质,进行动物试验,旨在寻找食物解酒最佳的方法。
Ammonia is product of amino acid metabolism. 氨是氨基酸代谢的产物。
FDP is an important intermediate product in the glycometabolism of cell. It can improve energy metabolism of myocardial, decrease extracelluar Ca 2+, reduce peroxidation, control arrhythmia and inhibit platelet function. FDP为糖代谢过程重要的中间产物,能改善心肌能量代谢,降低细胞外Ca2+浓度,减少组织过氧化,抑制心律失常和抗血小板凝聚等作用。
Peptide as the intermediate product of protein metabolism has important function. 肽作为蛋白质代谢的中间产物具有的重要的作用。
Most prokaryote and eukaryote have intact urate oxidase gene ( wo) that produces urate oxidase activity and excretes allantoin as the end product of purine metabolism. 大多数的原核和真核生物都有完整的尿酸氧化酶基因,产生具生物活性的尿酸氧化酶,以尿囊酸作为代谢最终产物。
Hemojuvelin ( HJV), the protein product of Hemojuvelin gene, is a new iron metabolism regulator. 血幼素(hemojuvelin,HJV)是新发现的一种铁代谢调节分子,基因定位于19q13。
Methanethiol is an important intermediate product of methionine by yeast metabolism and the precursor of dimethyldusulfide ( DMDS) and DMTS etc. ( Tran. by YUE Yang) 甲硫醇是蛋氨酸通过酵母代谢的一个重要的中间产物,是二甲基二硫(DMDS)和DMTS等的前体。
Acetaldehyde is the intermediate product in the process of alcohol metabolism. 酒精在体内代谢的中间产物为乙醛。
Uric acid is a final product of purine catabolism, which is excreted by the renal metabolism. 尿酸是人体内嘌呤代谢的最终产物,一般由肾脏排出。
Urate oxidase has been found in the body of many species, while birds and some higher primates ( eg apes and humans) lack functional urate oxidase in vivo and excrete uric acid as the end product of purine metabolism. 在许多物种体内均发现有尿酸氧化酶,但在鸟类及一些高等灵长类动物(如猿和人类)的体内却缺乏具有功能的尿酸酶,而是以尿酸作为嘌呤代谢的终产物排出体外。
The SEM images revealed that the corrosion product layer was loose and that the surface consisted of small copper particles and fell off unevenly with the bacterial metabolism. 从腐蚀产物电镜分析可以看出,铜表面形成的生物膜、腐蚀产物膜多孔疏松,在细菌新陈代谢作用下,逐渐解离成颗粒,然后不均匀地脱落。
As an intermediate product of energy metabolism, adenosine is an important neuromodulator in the central nervous systerm. 腺苷是能量代谢的中间产物,也是中枢神经系统重要的神经调质。
Background. Uric acid is the product of purine metabolism; however, a relatively higher level of serum uric acid in human is observed than that in other mammals since genetic mutations. 背景尿酸是嘌呤代谢产物,人类进化过程中尿酸酶基因突变,使人的血尿酸水平较其它哺乳动物高。
Human beings lack active uricase because of gene mutations, leading to uric acid as the end product of purine metabolism and resulting in the development of urate nephropathy and gouty arthritis when the concentration of uric acid reaches its solubility limit in blood ( hyperuricemia). 人类由于基因突变而缺乏活性尿酸酶,这导致人类以尿酸作为嘌呤代谢的终产物。当人血液中尿酸浓度高于其溶解度(高尿酸血症)时可引起尿酸性肾病和痛风性关节炎。
ROS is the product of aerobic metabolism. A huge amount of ROS result in several kinds of deseases including cancer, whereas ROS in a moderate level have been regarded as signal molecules. 活性氧是细胞有氧代谢的产物,大量的活性氧会引起包括癌症在内的多种疾病,而人们对适量活性氧的认识已经从过去错误地定性为毒性分子重新评价为信号分子了。
Both are hyperlipidemia in pathogenesis of pathological product, and its pathogenic factor. Therefore dissipating phlegm and removing blood stasis is the way of improving the abnormal state of lipid metabolism. 中医认为高脂血症属于痰瘀的范畴,痰瘀是高脂血症发病过程中的病理产物,又是其致病因素,因而化痰祛瘀是治疗高脂血症的大法。
As the product of calcium metabolism, the formation mechanism of pearl and shell of marine bivalve is always the hot field of biomineralization. 作为钙代谢的产物,珍珠和贝壳的形成机理一直是人们研究的热点。